“In the same way, the tongue is a small thing that makes grand speeches. But a tiny spark can set a great forest on fire. And among all the parts of the body, the tongue is a flame of fire. It is a whole world of wickedness, corrupting your entire body. It can set your whole life on fire, for it is set on fire by hell itself.”(James 3:5-6 NLT)
Last summer, we drove through Utah. I was astonished by a long stretch of land that had been devastated by forest fire. The barren, charred tree stubble went on for miles and miles. We stopped for fuel and I asked the attendant how long ago the fire raged, expecting him to say it had only been a year or two. “2002.” He said, dark eyes flashing, the pain of it still present. “Almost burnt the town to the ground. We nearly lost everything.”
The tongue can start a fire that the world can’t quite put out. The likes of which, we may never never recover. The fires we set inadvertently may destroy landscape, communities, lives and even generations.
Our best fire control? Smokey the Bear has advice for us all: “Only YOU can prevent forest fires.”
The only control we have in this world is self control. Only you can tame your tongue. Only you can determine what slides past the internal checkpoints and out into the world. Only you can choose righteousness and praise, consideration and kindness.
“Take control of what I say, O Lord, and guard my lips.” (Psalms 141:3 NLT)
Over and over I remind my daughter and myself to ask two questions before a word escapes our lips. Is it kind? Is it helpful? And if it bleeps under examination, do what TSA does and throw it out before it gets out. It doesn’t matter how brilliant or funny it might feel, if it isn’t godly, it shouldn’t be said.
Lord, remind us of the death and destruction lying dormant in our mouths. We have no trouble identifying the forest fires that others have start, but we often miss our own potential for relational arson. Keep us from contributing to the blaze. Help us fight fire with peace, kindness, righteousness and praise. Fill our mouths with Your words and thoughts. Let us be quick to praise and slow to curse. Happy to bless and unwilling to blaspheme. Let us willingly surrender our most stubborn muscle to Your Kingdom cause. Amen.