Sep 4, 2016
Kingdom Building
Pastor Anna explains how the story of Nehemiah rebuilding
the walls directly parallels the church today and how it is up to
individuals to do the work of the church.
- Sep 4, 2016Kingdom Building
Sep 4, 2016Kingdom BuildingPastor Anna explains how the story of Nehemiah rebuildingthe walls directly parallels the church today and how it is up toindividuals to do the work of the church.
- Aug 28, 2016Friending, Part 2
Aug 28, 2016Friending, Part 2We all need more quality friends at the core of our friendships.In this additional message on friendship, Pastor Rob points tothree types of friends we need in our lives.This message was adapted from our friends at Life.Church.
- Aug 21, 2016Friending, Part 1
Aug 21, 2016Friending, Part 1Friendships are so important because they will help youeither succeed or fail in life. This message encourages us to chooseour friends wisely and to be a good friend.This message was adapted from our friends at Life.Church.
- Aug 14, 2016Integrity of Daniel
- Aug 7, 2016With Room, Venti in a Tall Cup
Aug 7, 2016With Room, Venti in a Tall CupSeries: With RoomPastor Rob finishes the series, "With Room", with a messageto challenge us to not be spread to the max financially;to live with room in our finances. As we give to God first,we will find that He will bless us back in various ways.
- Jul 31, 2016With Room, Extra Hot
Jul 31, 2016With Room, Extra HotSeries: With RoomWhen it comes to coffee, the hotter, the better - at least untilyou spill it on yourself! Walking with a full cup is dangerous business,and it’s only a matter of time until you suffer a burn.Create a little space between you and the heat, and you might avoid the burn.
- Jul 17, 2016With Room, Slow Roasted
Jul 17, 2016With Room, Slow RoastedSeries: With RoomGod’s design for us includes some empty space that isnot already accounted for. A slower life is not an unproductive life.Combatting the pace of culture leaves us with room for time with God and time for rest.
- Jul 10, 2016With Room, Filled to the Brim
Jul 10, 2016With Room, Filled to the BrimSeries: With RoomGod’s design for us includes some empty space that is not already accounted for.We look at the story of Jesus time with Mary and Martha from Luke Chapter 10.Both women faced with the same opportunity had wildly different experiencesbased on their sense of what was most important.
- Jun 26, 2016Two Questions
Jun 26, 2016Two QuestionsOur words either build or destroy. God calls us to build.Pausing to ask ourselves these two questions will help.
- Jun 19, 2016Father’s Day, The Prodigal Son’s Father
Jun 19, 2016Father’s Day, The Prodigal Son’s FatherSeries: Father's DayHappy Father's Day! Which one of us is a perfect father?Pastor Rob looks at how the prodigal son's father reacted to his son, howhe was an example of our Heavenly Father, and how we can follow both their examples.