Jul 1, 2018

Blessed are the Peacemakers
Series: (Christian living)
In this message from Life.Church, Pastor Rob encourages us to be a Christ-centered family, rather than a "Christian" family by being peace makers in our homes; in doing so, we will be blessed and called "children of God"!
- Jul 1, 2018Blessed are the Peacemakers
Jul 1, 2018Blessed are the PeacemakersSeries: (Christian living)In this message from Life.Church, Pastor Rob encourages us to be a Christ-centered family, rather than a "Christian" family by being peace makers in our homes; in doing so, we will be blessed and called "children of God"!
- Jun 24, 2018Go Be Kind
Jun 24, 2018Go Be KindSeries: (Christian living)Christians should be the kindest people in the world! Pastor Anna encourages us to not only tap into this fruit of the Spirit, but recognize kindness in others.
- Jun 17, 2018Hunger and Thirst After Righteousness
Jun 17, 2018Hunger and Thirst After RighteousnessSeries: Father's DayFathers have a distinct responsibility to lead their families, so the question is, how are you leading your family? If you're going to be about something, why not make it hungering and thirsting after righteousness? After all, that is the path to blessing!
- Jun 10, 2018Overcoming Lies
Jun 10, 2018Overcoming LiesSeries: (Christian living)Pastor Anna takes another look at the story of David and Goliath and discovers an interesting truth that will change your life!
- Jun 3, 2018The Miracle of Provision
Jun 3, 2018The Miracle of ProvisionMiracles happen every day; it could be asked, are you in a position to receive one? Sometimes God provides it completely, and sometimes He asks us to be part of the miracle for someone else. We pray this mesage encourages you to have faith in our miracle providing God.
- May 20, 2018Why Quench The Holy Spirit
May 20, 2018Why Quench The Holy SpiritOn this Pentecost Sunday, Pastor Rob instructs us to not quench the Holy Spirit; there are so many benifits to allowing Him room in your life, why would you quench the Spirit?
- May 13, 2018What’s So Great About Wonder Woman
May 13, 2018What’s So Great About Wonder WomanSeries: Mother's DayIn this Mother's Day message, Pastor Anna uses the modern illustration of Wonder Woman to show us that godly women can be strong, valuable assets to building the kingdom of God.
- Apr 29, 2018Big Boldness
Apr 29, 2018Big BoldnessSeries: What Happened NextPastor Rob continues our walk through the book of Acts by looking at how the disciples responded to persecution.
- Apr 22, 2018Dr. George O. Wood, Chairman World A/G Fellowship
Apr 22, 2018Dr. George O. Wood, Chairman World A/G FellowshipSeries: 40th Anniversary CelebrationOur 40th Anniversary was so big, we had to break it up into segments just to upload! Former General Superintendent of the A/G USA and current Chairman of the World A/G Fellowship Dr. George O. Wood challenged the church to remain faithful and trust that God is working through us and we will see long-term results for the Kingdom of God.
- Apr 22, 2018Rev. Tom Jacobs, Iowa Ministry Network Superintendent
Apr 22, 2018Rev. Tom Jacobs, Iowa Ministry Network SuperintendentBy: Rev. Tom JacobsSeries: 40th Anniversary Celebration
Our 40th Anniversary was so big, we had to break it up into segments just to upload! Iowa Ministry Network Superintendent Rev. Tom Jacobs spoke about the good work the church has done and the bright future it has.