Feb 3, 2019

Missions Emphasis 2019
Series: Missions 2019
As the congregation prepares to make their annual commitments to monthly missions support, Pastor Rob encourages the church to follow the example of the church in Antioch, which also includes a commitment to support missionaries far away as well as to spread the Good News about Jesus with someone near home.
- Feb 3, 2019Missions Emphasis 2019
Feb 3, 2019Missions Emphasis 2019Series: Missions 2019As the congregation prepares to make their annual commitments to monthly missions support, Pastor Rob encourages the church to follow the example of the church in Antioch, which also includes a commitment to support missionaries far away as well as to spread the Good News about Jesus with someone near home.
- Jan 27, 2019Letting Go of Your Past
Jan 27, 2019Letting Go of Your PastSeries: Letting GoIn this message, which concludes our series, Pastor Anna uses Moses' life to teach us how we can reconcile our past and look toward what God wants to do through us today and in the future.
- Jan 20, 2019Letting Go of Control
Jan 20, 2019Letting Go of ControlSeries: Letting GoIn this message on the series, Letting God, Pastor Rob talks about Mary's response to God's plan for her life; know that we may not always have the ability to control, but we always have the choice to surrender.This is part of a series shared by Life.Church
- Jan 13, 2019Letting Go of Distractions
Jan 13, 2019Letting Go of DistractionsSeries: Letting GoPastor Anna continues our series on Letting Go with a message on how distractions can keep you from all God has for you.Again, special thanks to Life.Church for sharing this message so we can share it with you!
- Jan 6, 2019Letting Go of Stuff
Jan 6, 2019Letting Go of StuffSeries: Letting GoPastor Rob begins the first message series of 2019, Letting Go, with a message to encourage us to let go of stuff. See what he means by , "it's better to go through life with more of what's important and less of what's not," by listening to this message!Many thanks to Life.Church for allowing us to share this message!
- Dec 30, 2018You In Five Years
Dec 30, 2018You In Five YearsSeries: (Christian living)As the new year approaches, Pastor Anna helps us imagine ourselves in five years and encourages us to make choices that will impact us positively for the future.
- Dec 23, 2018Emmanuel
Dec 23, 2018EmmanuelSeries: CarolsIn today's message Pastor Rob focuses on one word: Emmanuel, and passionately explains that God is with us, God was with us, and God will be with us.Many thanks to Life.Church for allowing us to use their resources.
- Dec 16, 2018Away In a Manger
Dec 16, 2018Away In a MangerSeries: CarolsPastor Anna gives a message based on the Christmas carol, Away In a Manger, thinking about "the Little Lord Jesus, asleep on the hay," and how even as a baby, Jesus is Lord of all.
- Dec 9, 2018O Come All Ye Faithful
Dec 9, 2018O Come All Ye FaithfulSeries: CarolsPastor Rob continues our series based on Christmas carols with, "O Come All Ye Faithful". Even in the holiday season, we might feel doubtful, depressed, or defeated, but we learn that Jesus not only meets us there, but helps us become so much more.
- Dec 2, 2018O Holy Night
Dec 2, 2018O Holy NightSeries: CarolsPastor Anna kicks off Advent with our Christmas series, Carols and a message based on the song, "O Holy Night". Jesus not only came for the world, but for you personally. We thank Life.Church for allowing us to share this message.