Praises at the Boundary Line

“When you finally settle in the land I am giving you, you will offer special gifts as a pleasing aroma to the Lord.” (Numbers‬ ‭15:2-3‬ ‭NLT)

“We are standing on the precipice.” My big brother said it Sunday night, twelve hours before surgery. We were gathering the last bit of momentum before we grabbed hands made the giant leap of faith together. Today we turn on the deep brain stimulation device and we’ll see what the Lord has done.

I can’t help but feel that we are like the Israelites at the border of the Promised Land, ready to set feet finally, firmly in a spacious place. Not in Numbers 15, in defiance, but the second time around, after forty years in the desert. It’s interesting that God gives them instructions for forty years in the future.

Today I read that and I realize my own need to stand at the border and praise God. I’ve spent some time looking back at all the wilderness we’ve traversed in the past ten months; mountains more than deserts. But I can’t help but feel like we’ve finally gotten the foothills, and the green valley is stretching out below; beckoning, welcoming.

I won’t take one step forward without pausing to praise. I want to build an altar in my mind and declare this space, the last few yards before we enter God’s sweet spot, sacred. I want to look back and recall all the ways He’s been faithful in the darkest, longest season of our lives. I want to remember the manna still stuck in my teeth, He has sustained us every labored step of our way. I want the miracle to stick, so I am stopping to give God glory!

We are like the Israelites. Thousands of years have not changed the human heart. We are quick to complain. We are quick to question. We are even quick to disobey. When will we learn to be quick to praise? To easily and readily offer a thank offering? To recognize the incredible provision and faithfulness of our good Father?

“Therefore, let us offer through Jesus a continual sacrifice of praise to God, proclaiming our allegiance to his name.” (Hebrews‬ ‭13:15‬ ‭NLT‬‬)

Lord, we stand here at the boundary line and give You praise. You are good. You are faithful. You are enough. Your plans are good and Your ways are perfect. Keep us from complaint and tie up our tongues in praise. May we never pass by this place again without remembering what You have done here today. Amen.