Obedient Servants

“So the servants followed his instructions.” (John‬ ‭2:8‬ ‭NLT‬‬)

Forgive me, I’m still stuck on my brother’s healing. I hope you’ll all bear with me as I process this because has been the most miraculous experience I have ever witnessed.

Yesterday I was driving north again when I remembered a sermon my mother had preached while I was still in high school. It was about the wedding at Cana and it is the singular sermon I remember from my growing up years. She said:

“Obedient servants can expect a miracle.”

I don’t know why that sentence has stuck in head for over two decades, but it has. And yesterday it zipped through my system like a bolt of lightening. You see, Rob and I brought my brother into our home last year out of sheer obedience. We have this troublesome habit of take scripture seriously.

“Whoever claims to love God yet hates a brother or sister is a liar. For whoever does not love their brother and sister, whom they have seen, cannot love God, whom they have not seen. And he has given us this command: Anyone who loves God must also love their brother and sister.” (‭‭1 John‬ ‭4:20-21‬ NIV)

We couldn’t figure out how we could pastor a church while we sent our brother to live with strangers. So we took him in. Though it meant a lot of adjustment and dying to self, and we were tempted to give up many times, but we knew we were honoring God.

The servants in this gospel took their jobs seriously. They weren’t half-hearted about their task, they filled the ceremonial jars to the brim (John 2:7). Each jar held 20-30 gallons and it’s not as though they could have run a hose to fill them. One by one, they lugged up bucketfuls of water from some nearby well and walked path from well to jar and poured it in. We can assume they did this maybe a hundred and fifty times or more. The path from well to jar was well-worn. Back and shoulders were soar. Perspiration was present. There may have even been a bit of resentment involved.

But I bet they forgot all that the moment they tasted the wine.

Obedient servants can expect a miracle.

Be encouraged today. Remain obedient. Stay steadfast on the path from well to jar. Your miracle might be right around the bend.

Lord, we acknowledge Your magnificent power made known through our simple obedience. Thank You for taking our common and making it sacred. We realize Your methods and timing are perfect. Give us the guts to partner with You by living according to Your Word. Amen.