“My steps have held to your paths; my feet have not stumbled.” (Psalm 17:5 NIV)
We’ve been in, what seems to be, an endless winter. I’m not complaining, just stating a fact. We are more than three week’s past spring’s official start and bracing ourselves for the fourth snow storm in the same amount of time.
We came home from women’s conference and one of my ladies couldn’t quite make it to her door in her tennis shoes. Ten inches of heavy, wet snow had fallen while we were away and the street plow had been by and barricaded her house on every side. I had tall boots that day; I won’t abandon tall boots until winter loosens it’s grip. I had her wait by the car while I stomped my way to her house and back. Then I held her hand as she found her footholds in the snow.
A dear friend prodded me on the phone the other day: “Has there been a time where you were sure that God was carrying you? Like in the Footprints poem?” (I’m so thankful for friends who ask hard questions, aren’t you?)
Isaiah 46:4 came tumbling back into my mind, along with this dog-eared mental picture of my bridegroom, Jesus, sweeping me into His arms and carrying me through the darkest days of my life. When my mom died, this was my keeping verse.
“Even to your old age and gray hairs I am he, I am he who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you.” (Isaiah 46:4 NIV)
Somehow, in that season of loss, those four promises grew strong legs and carried me out of the night.
My friend pressed further: “How has He done it this time?”
And I immediately thought of my lady in the snow; how I went before her and made a way where there was no way and she bravely followed in my footsteps, holding my hand, sure of my presence.
This year, Father God and I have teamed up. He hasn’t carried me, He’s enabled me. He’s punched holes in the heavy, crippling snow and made firm footholds for me to walk through the deep. This year has required every ounce of tenacity I possess and He has met me each in each courageous step.
Beloved, sometimes He’ll carry us. Other times He’ll make a way and champion us as we forge on. Either way, He is always with us; strengthening, cheering, sustaining, believing that we can navigate the course He’s allowed to be laid out for us.
“Our hearts had not turned back; our feet had not strayed from your path.” (Psalm 44:18 NIV)
We must stay the course and have courage. Spring will come. Morning will dawn. The light will return to life and joy will find it’s way back into our step. The only way to make long seasons last forever is to set down in them and refuse to be moved. Resist the temptation. Trust in the Lord and what He’s working out in and through this season. Remember that His plans are good and His love endures forever. Take a step or let Him carry you, but don’t stay put and don’t give up.
“Praise our God, all peoples, let the sound of his praise be heard; he has preserved our lives and kept our feet from slipping.” (Psalm 66:8-9 NIV)
Lord, we don’t like long seasons but we trust You. We are grateful that You meet us in the winter of our soul. Thank You for carrying us and championing us. We are so glad of Your presence and glad of the promise that winter won’t last forever. Please show us the way through. Amen.
“He spreads snow like a white fleece, he scatters frost like ashes, He broadcasts hail like birdseed— who can survive his winter? Then he gives the command and it all melts; he breathes on winter—suddenly it’s spring!” (Psalm 147:16-18 MSG)