“I can’t carry all these people by myself! The load is far too heavy!”(Numbers 11:14 NLT)
Here we catch Moses in the midst of a full-on pity party. The people are grumbling and he joins in also. He’s realizing his utter inability to meet their needs.
Sometimes we feel as though we are carrying the entire burden, but the truth is that God is doing most of the heavy lifting. Moses feels responsible for his people, but he wasn’t the One providing manna daily. He wasn’t lighting up the sky as a fire at night or marking the way as a cloud by day. He wasn’t plotting their course or protecting his people from enemy attack. We so quickly wear the weight of responsibility that doesn’t belong to us and is too big for us anyway. We aren’t God. We are only loyal to Him. We listen and obey, we hope and pray that our people will follow suit.
I’ve been thinking about our impending Mayo trip and brain surgery and my responsibility to my big brother. I realize I am over-wearing it. It’s a sound suit too heavy for my frame and it doesn’t belong to me. God is paving our way to Mayo. He’s providing neurosurgeons and wisdom and operating suites and enough grace for all of us along the way.
Worrying or grumbling or gathering the gumption isn’t my responsibility. Gratefully following the cloud, pointing people toward God; that’s what I can manage, what I’m meant to manage, and that’s enough.
“Do everything without complaining and arguing, so that no one can criticize you. Live clean, innocent lives as children of God, shining like bright lights in a world full of crooked and perverse people.” (Philippians 2:14-15 NLT)
Bright stars help guide weary travelers home. Our lack of complaint and refusal to grumble may help others see their way into the Promised Land.
Lord, help us see how important attitude is, especially in leadership. Remind us that some things are simply not our problem. ‘Above our pay grade’ is a real deal and those problems belong to You alone. Our responsibilities? Faith and Obedience. And those two godly obligations are enough to keep us occupied all the way across the threshold of forever. Help us lead by example. Let our lives shine as stars in the sky and help others find their way in the dark. Amen.