“The disciples went and did as Jesus had instructed them.” (Matthew 21:6 NIV)
Buried in plain sight, nestled in the pages of the Palm Sunday story; this week’s theme is repeated. “Obedient servants can expect a miracle.” The disciples did precisely as Jesus asked and by the end of the next week they would experience the greatest miracle of all time: Resurrection Sunday.
We believe who God is and in turn, we do what He says. The rest of the story is up to Him. He delivers the miraculous, we merely follow His instructions. Disciples have the easiest role in this relationship. We don’t have to plot or plan or wheel and deal or even understand. We just have to obey.
Obedience is the indelible mark of a disciple.
“Jesus replied, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them.” (John 14:23 NIV)
When obedience preoccupies us, God Himself can occupy us. He makes His home in our hearts.
Obedience is the difference maker between Sunday morning worship and still-following on Friday. Anyone can get caught up in a crowd and start worshipping, but obedience requires real commitment.
Jesus models that level of commitment to us, for us. He was obedient all the way to the cross. What are we willing to walk through on His behalf? What might we bear if He requires it? Will He still find us faithful on Friday or will we wander and wane as so many have?
Dearest Lord, this Palm Sunday may we offer more than brief waving branches and painless, passing accolades. May we offer ourselves; our wills, our hopes and dreams and aspirations. May we lay them at Your feet and refuse to pick them up again after You pass by. May we stay close past Friday, through the long dark weekend hours until the glorious resurrection and full redemption of Your bride. Amen.