“If a man has a hundred sheep and one of them gets lost, what will he do? Won’t he leave the ninety-nine others in the wilderness and go to search for the one that is lost until he finds it?” (Luke 15:4 NLT)
We forget that God is crazy about His people. Our human tendency is to presume our worldview upon others, and that just doesn’t work for God. He’s not annoyed with people. He isn’t disinterested or put out or quick to give up. He’s crazy about His sheep! So much so that He’ll put the other ninety-nine in the wilderness to go after the one.
Did you catch that? He’ll leave the ninety-nine in the wilderness while He hunts down the one, I’ve probably read this story, the prodigal son parable, a hundred times in the past twenty-five years and I never before noticed that He sends the ninety-nine to the wilderness when it comes time for a rescue mission. I checked five translations, they all say the same thing.
He’ll allow hardship, discomfort, even physical death to come into our lives if it affords Him the opportunity to grab on to that last, lost one.
God isn’t afraid to leverage our one life here to bring another sheep There. The question is, are we? What is that lost sheep worth to us? What wilderness might we endure on their behalf? How solid is our faith in forever? Because if it’s not, we’ll be unwilling to suffer selflessly today.
“Yet what we suffer now is nothing compared to the glory he will reveal to us later.” (Romans 8:18 NLT)
Lord, help us. We have such a tendency to be selfish, short-sighted sheep. Forgive us. We don’t want to be the older son in the prodigal story. We want to gain and maintain the heart of the Father: ever-searching the skyline for signs of the wayward son, willing to run in their direction, ready to forgive and welcome back into the fold. Lord, we are willing to suffer if it means bringing another lost sheep Home. Help us suffer well. Let us see Your sons and daughters return to You. Amen.