“We have heard it with our ears, O God; our ancestors have told us what you did in their days, in days long ago.” (Psalm 44:1 NIV)
The psalmist is up against some new troubles and he does a powerful thing. He looks back and considers how God has moved in the past. We look with him and recall the mighty feats: purposeful plagues, parting seas, manna amidst the desert, stone walls crumbling. We see that God’s arm is never too short. We realize that our human contribution to the victory is historically quite small. We bring faith and obedience to the table, He brings the victory. Why? His word says it clearly; He loves His people.
“It was not by their sword that they won the land, nor did their arm bring them victory; it was your right hand, your arm, and the light of your face, for you loved them.” (Psalm 44:3 NIV)
We can gaze back over every victory in our lives and see a flurry of love letters falling from heaven. The most profound pen and ink parchment? His victory over our sin. When we are discouraged, we do well to look back. We consider the kinds of things He’s conquered before. What battle could be bigger than the one He already crushed on the cross?
I’ve spent a few snow days this April in quiet revelry. Ordinary household routines have afforded some needed reflection after twelve long months of a million-miles-a-minute. I cannot believe what God has brought us through, what He’s accomplished through an ordinary handmaid like me. I’ve realized what so many have rightly concluded before me; when come to the end of our cunning, our ability, our sight and our strength, when we give we up our solo efforts, it’s in that bankrupt space when we finally confront the rock-solid strength of our Father’s love. Where we end, His love and faithfulness truly begins.
“In God we make our boast all day long, and we will praise your name forever.” (Psalm 44:8 NIV)
Lord, thank You for quiet days of reflection. Thank You for six thousand years of written history, six thousand years of God encounters to bolster our faith. Lord, may we look back and gain confidence in Your ability to do it again. May we trust the strength of Your love for us. Amen.