Ordinary Folks


Ordinary Folks

“As they talked and discussed these things with each other, Jesus himself came up and walked along with them;” (Luke‬ ‭24:15‬ ‭NIV‬‬)

Some sermons keep us chewing long after Sunday’s done. My husband’s Easter message yesterday has proved to be one such sermon. He spoke on the Emmaus experience and said “The miracle is that Jesus still walks with ordinary, insignificant people.”

Jesus didn’t appear to the the Big Three (Peter, James and John) at the empty tomb. He appeared to women. He didn’t blow into a roadside conversation of teachers and high priests or even Pontius Pilate and Herod. He walked quietly alongside Cleopas (a follower not mentioned before or after this singular experience) and some other unnamed believer. It seems He spent hours with them along the seven mile journey to Emmaus.

Who were they and why were they going to Emmaus? It doesn’t matter. It’s not important to the story. It’s our interaction with Christ that makes our lives matter, that makes them take on meaning. The intertwining of our story with His story, the gospel story, is the singular intersection that marks significance.

How? Here’s where it gets miraculous.

The moment the conversation turned to Jesus, He was there.

“For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”” (Matthew‬ ‭18:20‬ ‭NIV‬‬)

We can bring Jesus into any and every conversation if we are willing to redirect. When we turn our hearts toward Jesus, He shows up. The question is, why don’t we invite Him in more often?

Any ordinary route can become a holy route when invite Christ into our journey.

The Son of God wants to walk with us along the roads of life and partake in our every day conversations. We are the limiting factors. He doesn’t go where He’s not invited.

What can we say and do to invite Him in today?

Lord, we see how You long to spend time with ordinary folks. We are those plain Jane people. May we be quick to invite You in today. Reign in our hearts, our thoughts and our journeys today. Be welcome and present in all of our circumstances. We want to go where Your going and walk alongside You every step of the way. Amen.